Sri yogiram Surath Kumar
Sri yogiram Surath Kumar
On 1st of December, 1918, along the banks of the Ganga in a village adjacent to Kashi, Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar made His descent in a religious family. Even in His childhood, Swamiji showed signs of spiritual thirst. Bhagwan was equally drawn to the saints and sadhus who lived in the banks of the Ganges and was always engaged in Nama Japam. This invoked in the heart longing for the divine.
Bhagwan with his burning desire to realize God started his journey in search of a guru. He visited the ashram of Aurobindo and Sri Ramana Maharishi. It was in 1952 Bhagwan felt a strong inner urge to seek Swamy Ramadas at Anandashramam. His stay at Ananda Ashramam was a turning point in his spiritual life. Swamy Ramdas initiated him in the divine Mantram "Om Sri ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram" pronouncing the Mantra thrice in his ears.

He came to Tiruvannamalai in 1959 and from then on staying there fulfills the divine task of establishing peace in the world and to work amidst people in guiding them to reach their spiritual goal. Bhagwan saves those who surrender to them and brings light in to their lives. His devotees, experience presence of Bhagwan with them in their day to day life.